Pelaton Instructor, Best-Selling Author Tunde Onyeneyin Speaks At House Of Sport

By: FingerLakes1

March 21, 2023 / 11:38 AM

On Sunday, Dick’s House of Sport hosted a special event featuring beloved Peloton instructor, best-selling author, and motivational speaker Tunde Onyeneyin. Attendees had the opportunity to participate in a Q&A between Tunde and local Rochester personality Pam Sherman, as well as witness a ride demonstration and a signing of Tunde’s best-selling book, SPEAK.

Tunde spoke to the crowd about the power of connective fitness and how Peloton has become a pioneer and leader in this space. With over 7 million members, Tunde was thrilled to see about 200 of them in attendance at the event. He emphasized that Peloton is much more than just a bike company and a workout – it’s a portal for people to tap into an extended version of themselves.

During the event, participants were able to take advantage of special discounts on Peloton products purchased in-store. It was a fantastic opportunity for Peloton enthusiasts and fitness lovers to meet Tunde and learn more about this innovative and dynamic company.

The original story can be found here: FingerLakes1